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We provide billing services for several clients and maintain a record of exceptional performance and compliance with respect to all applicable industry statutes and regulations for each specific specialty. Billing staff at Island Healthcare Solutions are educated constantly about the changing needs and regulations within each specialty at quarterly staff educational meetings. Monthly meetings with their immediate supervisors provide staff the support they need as well as answering routine questions. All Island Healthcare Solutions managers maintain an open-door policy and manage staff in a very “hands on” style, while allowing staff to maintain autonomy over their specific area of expertise and work to accomplish each day.

Our processes for billing each of our clients assures that complete revenue capture occurs by matching a master list of all patients seen in any practice and assuring that each patient has had charges posted commensurate with services rendered. These logs are reconciled each day giving the client the assurance they need that all services rendered result in revenue billed. All claims produced are reconciled against claims leaving our system to assure that all claims produced are billed in a timely manner. We also use work queues in our practice management system to assure timely completion of follow up for claims that are not paid by third parties after initial billing. The work queues are established by client, by payer and track each time a claim is touched and the effectiveness of each step in the rebilling process.

On the cash side of the equation each client maintains a bank lockbox where deposits are made. This deposit capture is communicated to payment posters in our office who must reconcile payments in our practice management system against payments received by the bank. This same process follows through for every piece of paper correspondence, every denial and every third-party communication received related to a client’s accounts receivable. This assures both us and our clients that nothing is “lost” and gives our client the peace of mind that when you outsource your billing, you have not lost control of the process.